"This is he best text I'm aware of for teaching the introduction to Electronic Materials and Devices. Its strengths are that it is application oriented and has a number of practical examples. Most current books are very physics oriented and usually result in courses that rehash quantum physics and introduce elementary device principles. This book keeps the focus on devices and allows an instructor to truly cover the dielectric, magnetic and optical properties. I also am able to have focus in my courses on passive (RLC) and active devices."
Professor Joel Dubow
University of Utah
Professor M. Henini
(University of Nottingham, UK)
Microelectronics Journal Vol. 33 (2002), 681
"While in-depth detail is not intended,the author injects a wonderful semi-quantitative level ofdescription in the text. Concepts presented with many detailedillustrations and superb writing are presented in a way to conveythe physical ideas with a minimum of mathematics. Unlike manycollege level texts, there are more than 130 worked-out examplesto reinforce learning and understanding. There are over 470professionally prepared illustrations and a CD, included with thebook, contains all the figures in color PDF and PowerPointformats, making it easier for overhead or electronicpresentations."
John J. Shea
IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine
May/June 2002, Vol. 18, No. 3
"This book fills an important need for atext for an undergraduate electrical engineering course dealingwith the electrical properties of materials. Approximately thefirst half of the book is given to discussions of basicprinciples, such as the structure of crystalline solids,electrical and thermal conductivity in solids, quantum physics,and band theory. The second half of the book presents chapters onparticular classes of materials, including semiconductors andsemiconductor devices, dielectric materials and insulation, andmagnetic properties and superconductivity. This book is unique incovering these topics in one place and from the perspective ofthe electrical engineering student."
K.F. Schoch, Jr.
IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine
May/June 1997, Vol. 13, No. 3
"Overall I think this is the strongest book on the market covering the badics of materials science and electronic materials. I very much appreciate the balance between initial concepts and the more detailed ideas in the latter chapters. It's a book that challenges the best students without loosing the bulk of the students in the course. I like the website, and use it for examples and practice problems to go over in class during problem solving periods."
Professor David Bahr
Washington State University
"This book covers the topics of electronic materials and devices broadly and thorougly. I am using this book for my course now"
Professor Long Lee
San Diego State University
"Dr. Kasap's approach is original andeffective. Many texts cover similar materials, but most of themfollow a well-worn, standard description of the topics. In thisbook, however, the approach does not follow the pattern, insteademphasizing an intuitive understanding without excessivemathematical derivations. At the same time, the coverage isaccurate and complete, and thereby prepares the reader well forfurther study.
This is an approach to the subject that Ifavour because I have found that undergraduates who are notspecializing in electronic materials and devices find such apractical pedagogy more stimulating and interesting. I believe,as Dr. Kasap clearly does, that a sound intuitive grasp of thesubject should come before a full abstract mathematicaltreatment."
Professor Richard Hornsey
University of Waterloo
"Well written text and long overdue."
"Writing style is appropriate and clear.The references to diverse things such as the human eye and theatmosphere of Jupiter add colorful interests. I also particularlylike the historical photographs."
"The figures and examples are very welldone. I particularly like the use of real data for real materialsin the demonstrations."
Professor D.L. Parker
Texas A&M University
"Kasap has the right approach ingeneral.This text takes out much of the frustration over the(previous) lack of suitable texts for "materials andelectronic devices." I am no longer planning on writing myown text!"
Professor John Sanchez
University of Michigan
"The quality and quantity of exampleproblems is excellent. (The lack of worked examples is a commoncriticism from students about Solymar's book.)"
Professor David Cahill
University of Illinois
"The author's approach is excellent. Theexplanations of difficult concepts are excellent, very readable,and provided at an appropriate level for undergraduates butwithout sacrificing accuracy. Fundamental concepts are covered,and examples and homework problems that use empirical data andreal applications make the theory very useful for engineeringproblems. This textbook is far superior to any other textbookI've seen or tried to teach with in the area of electronicmaterials to undergraduates."
"I have been using Kasap's book since itbecame available, It is far superior to any other textbook forundergraduates in this area. Most texts written for electricalengineering students cover only semiconductors and do not have abroad enough coverage to be useful for a course in electronicmaterials; most texts written for materials science students aretoo advanced and do not have the breadth of coverage andexcellent examples and problems as this book does."
Emily L. Allen
San Jose State University, California
"I think the book's primary strength isits comprehensiveness. It provides the student with not only asound fundamental basis on the wide spectrum of electricalphenomena, but also a valuable insight into the application ofthese phenomena in today's devices."
"Also important is the authors pedagogicalapproach (some authors on this subject lean towards physics, somelean towards electrical engineering, this book has found the bestof both). Lastly, I believe that in these times of risingtextbook costs, having a book which may be useful for more thanone class is a big selling point. Beyond that, I believe studentswill keep this textbook as a reference book well aftergraduation."
Professor David Cann
Iowa State University
"The book's primary strength is definitelyall the solved problems that exist intermixed with the text.These break up the text, making it easier to read. The studentscan verify they understand what is going on by seeing the workapplied. The problems also help to give the students a sense ofthe units and magnitude of variables and to see practicalapplications of the theory."
"I like the book a lot. I would highlyrecommend it. Its strengths are definitely its worked problems,clear figures, and interesting extended topics andapplications."
Professor Stacy Gleixner
San Jose State University, California
"The worked and homework problems are thebest I have seen in any book of any kind. They are extremely wellchosen and highly practical."
Professor Michael Kozicki
Arizona State University
"The illustrations have really sold me onthis text.......These are among the best illustrations that Ihave seen in a technical book. They clearly depict the conceptthat is being presented. Truly, Professor Kasap must have put alot of thought into these. They are excellent."
Professor Linda Vanasupa
California Polytechnic State University
"The scientific development sustainingcurrent engineering materials is very much based on quantummechanics and solid state physics and therefore does not belongto the standard curriculum of an electrical engineer. ProfessorKasap has genuinely succeeded in explaining the properties ofengineering materials with a truly original approach with theright balance of physically appealing analogies, a clear text anda rich set of illustrative examples and homework problems. Theformulas are well explained and discussed and the required tablesof data are plentiful."
"This book will be extremely useful notonly to the students but also to the practitioners and Irecommend it wholeheartedly."
"Le developpement scientifique actuel quientretient le genie des materiaux est base, en grande partie, surla Mecanique Quantique et la physique des solides. Etant donneque ces matieres ne figurent pas au cursus ordinaire del'ingenieur electricien, il y a un probleme. Mr. Kasap areellement reussi a expliquer les proprietes des materiaux del'ingenieur grace a une approche originale en utilisant unamalgame bien dose d'analogies physiques, un texte tres clair etun ensemble vraiment riche d'exemples et de devoirs illustratifs.Les formules donnees sont bien expliquees et commentees et lestableaux de constantes et de valeurs experimentales requises sontdonnes genereusement."
"Ce livre sera tres utile non seulementaux etudiants mais aussi aux professionnels qui travaillent dansce domaine et je le recommande tres vivement."
Professor C. Tannous
Laboratoire D'Etude Des Materiaux, Universite de BretagneOccidentale, France
"The six chapters that I have read arewell written, at the right level for our students and wellpresented.......... Examples and practical problems are writtenin such a way to enhance the understanding of the theory and I amsure both lecturers and students will benefit from them."
"It is nice to see that a lot of efforthas gone into producing excellent diagrams and there are so manyof them. I think this book should be published as soon aspossible and I am positive that it will quickly find manyreaders."
Dr F Ghassemlooy, Associate Book Review Editor
International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education
"The book is full of beautiful examplesand homework problems. These are refreshingly different fromother similar texts. I am impressed by the author to come up withso many interesting problems. The worked examples are solvednicely with enough explanation."
" There are plenty of illustrations toexplain all the important ideas. This is another strong point ofthis book."
Professor Furrukh S. Khan
Ohio State University
The Textbook "The Principles of ElectricalEngineering Materials and Devices" is a real winner forthree reasons. Firstly, the author has provided the reader withclear illustrations that have not been simply rehashed fromprevious books. These are some of the best illustrations I haveseen. Secondly, there are numerous worked examples in the text tokeep the undergraduate student interested in the subject and toput the concepts into perspective. Thirdly, many difficultconcepts (such as the Johnson noise, skin effect, drift mobilityvs temperature behavior, MOS devices, dielectric properties,piezoelectricity, ferromagnetism, superconductivity etc.) havebeen presented in a semiquantitative way, without being boggeddown by the mathematics, to be understandable at theundergraduate level. Many usual graduate level topics have beensimplified down to the undergraduate level which makes the bookalmost unique. The text will find good use in many electricalengineering and materials science departments and I recommend itmost highly.
Professor Harry Ruda
Electronic Materials, University of Toronto
"Simply an excellent text."
"This is one of the best textbooks I haveseen in this field. The text has some of the best illustrationsand problems that have seen. A near perfect book at theundergraduate level. Instructors will have access to beautifuloverhead diagrams that were previously not available. Allinstructors teaching electronic materials should have a copy atleast as a reference."
"Tout simplement un excellentouvrage"
"C'est un des meilleurs manuels que j'airencontrés dans ce domaine. Le texte est accompagné par lesmeilleurs exercices et figures que j'ai vus pour un livre dans cedomaine. Un livre presque parfait pour le niveau sous-gradué.Les enseignants auront à leur disposition des illustrations surtransparent qui n'étaient pas disponibles auparavant. Tous lesprofesseurs qui enseignent les dispositifs électroniquesdevraient au moins en posséder une copie commeréférence."
Professor C. Aktik
University of Sherbrooke, Quebec
"Important Terms - Simply put, keep it!!!The knowledge of terminology may be one of the few things thatstudents reliably take from a course and will definitely helpthem in "life long learning" situations. I think youhave done a great service to the reader by including this sectionat the end of the chapters. The terms are well defined, and thecoverage of the terms used in the text seems complete."
Dr. Bruce A Ferguson
University of Portland
"The number of example problems is thestrongest part of the text."
"The Important Terms section is useful andwell written."
"The questions and problems seem wellthought out."
Professor Hilary Lackritz
Purdue University
"There is no doubt that the workedexamples and problems given in the text by Prof. Kasap consist ofreal treasure which cannot be found in other texts old ornew in this field."
" This text is very close to a perfectbook in this field for the audience quoted in the title. Theauthor has succeeded in bringing together a wealth of examplesalong with the theory showing a deep knowledge and understandingof the physical and engineering principles underlyingsemiconductor theory and devices"
Professor Aaron Peled
Center for Technological Education Holon, aff.Tel-Aviv University
"When the book is published as anelectronics engineering educator I shall rush to buy a copy formyself as well as urging our library to purchase reference copiesfor students' use."
"The chapters are self-contained in thatstudents are not often referred to other chapters within the bookand they can bypass a chapter."
Dr. S M Vaezi-Nejad
Reader in Electronic Materials, University of Greenwich
"The book is full of excellentillustrations which portray the physical ideas in a very clearway. There are many worked examples and solved problems from verysimple concepts to sophisticated design problems. Both the authorand the publisher have done a wonderful job. I feel certain thatstudents, whether they are in engineering schools, or takingphysics in a liberal arts colleges, will certainly enjoy readingthis book and will benefit enormously from its educationalresources. It is recommended most highly as a course text inelectronic materials, or as a reference source at collegelibraries"
Dr. K.W. Cheah
Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong