AUTHOR'S MESSAGE FOR THIS WEBSITE This is an educational website that provides author support for Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Fourth Edition. I essentially maintain and update this website while I have time do so during my hectic work schedule. The accuracy of the information in documents posted on this website is not guaranteed and we accept no liability whatsoever. Many of the documents clearly state copyright and intellectual property ownership (for example, by authors other than myself), and do not allow any duplication or unauthorized distribution, once the image has been taken (copied) out of the original document, e.g. Power Point, Solutions Manual or the Student Supplement. If you have adopted the textbook, you can use the Power Points (PPTs) in your classes. You can use the PPTs in all research presentations, such as meetings, conferences, seminars, symposia etc, even if the textbook has not been adopted. You need to reference the textbook. McGraw-Hill has obtained permissions that allow instructor use. If you wish to distribute the PPT as printed material in your class, please contact your nearest McGraw-Hill representative. If you have adopted the textbook, then you can also post (passworded) pages from the Solutions Manual for your class. All third party images and videos in the PPTs have been used with permission so you do not need to worry about clearing permissions for these items. You will need permission if you intend to extract them for use in other presentations. URL links in the PPTs do not need permission. Please feel free to send me your comments and corrections for the next edition. Safa Kasap (Saskatoon July
2017) Email: The Author |